Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stii ca esti roman atunci cand...

Am gasit chestia asta pe Facebook si e in engleza dar mi s-a parut foarte haioasa:

You know you're Romanian when...

You grew up on liver sandwiches.... and thought that was normal.

You make your own noodles.

Everything you eat is savored in garlic and onions.

You try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course aluminum foil.

You are standing next to the two largest suitcases at the airport.

You arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think its normal.

All your children have nick names, which sound nowhere close to their real names.

You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.

You can fit 10 people into a Dacia.

Your parents never throw anything away and if you by some chance manage to get something to make it to the garbage can... it mysteriously appears back where it was again.

You have lace curtains.

You have lace tablecloths.

You have rugs covering every inch of your house.

You have or had rugs on your walls.

Your mom tells you you're too skinny even though your 30 pounds overweight.

You ever heard of ciorba de burta'.

You have curtains hanging across every doorway.

You know someone that married his girlfriend of 2 months.

Your mom is a doctor and force feeds you medicine for anything ranging from a headache, stomach ache to a stubbed toe.

Your house is full of Romanian medicine that is probably illegal here.

You and your friends have ever been kicked out of a restaurant or recreational park for being too loud or rowdy.

Your mom recycles plastic cups and paper plates, and sandwich bags by washing them.

You don't know how to use a dishwasher.

You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.

Your dad ever butchered a pig or lamb.

You keep leftover food in your fridge in as many numbers of bowls as possible.

Your kitchen shelf is full of jam jars, varieties of bowls and plastic utensils (Got free with some household items).

Your mom ever chased you with a rolling pin or a broom telling you to stop so that she could hit you.

Your dad ever told you to smack yourself over the mouth for being disrespectful.

Your mom washes your clothing at 40.

Asking if you can get a discount at a discount store on clearance items is normal and not embarrassing for your parents.

You don't use measuring cups when cooking.

You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax.

You can only travel if there are 5 persons at least to see you off or receive you whether you are traveling by bus, train or plane.

You only make long distance calls after 11 p.m.

If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.

When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes, you discover you're talking to a distant cousin.

Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making foreign calls.

It's "normal" if your wedding has 600 people.

You don't know half the people at your wedding because your parents invited them.

You have mastered the art of bargaining in grocery shopping.

You walk out of the grocery store with no less then two packed shopping carts weekly.

Your parents brew their own wine and ţuică

Despite being in Canada, your parents answer the phone saying "allo?"

Your parents love to shop at "Weinners"

You say "La Mulţi Ani" for every holiday.

You sat down to watch Borat and realized it was actually filmed in a ghetto Romanian village and were too embarrassed to tell your friends it wasn't really Kazakhstan

your parents return 98% of their purchases (and most of the time the stuff is definitely used)

You get in a fight with your parents and they threaten to kick you out numerous times but they never really do


Anonymous said...

E mai degraba tragica... toate se potrivesc. Cunosc niste tipi in Canada; le-o trimit si lor sa se faca psihic :)

Mike said...

e trei sferturi bullshit si un sfert potrivire pt orice om de pe planeta asta.

Anonymous said...

vai mama draga - mike is right - bati campiile - uite am o cunostintza raul - dupa ce face poporul cunostintza cu el il intreaba: Raul from Spain - ant the answer is NO from Romania - si asa e suntem toata planeta asta in kk nu numia romanasii nostrii...

Ești Român said...

lista asta e rezultatul autoironiei specifice. și nu toate-s rele... ceapa și usturoiul chiar nu trebuie să lipsească... :)) lăsând gluma la o parte, avem cu ce ne mândri

Anonymous said...

Desigur că avem cu ce să ne mândrim, și încă cum. Au dreptate și cei care au zis ca sunt oameni asa în toata lumea. 80% din întrebările alea se potrivesc oricărei persoane din orice țară. Uitați-vă în jur cei care sunteți pe afară. Eu unul, văd persoane de genul ăsta aproape în fiecare zi. și nu sunt români. Bravo lor, celor care nu își uită istoria și de unde se trag.Eu unul ma mândresc cu faptul ca sunt român.
Ar trebui sa te îngrijorezi când vezi chestii de genul asta, NU sa ți se para "haioase". Sau cel puțin sa te simți revoltata și sa postezi la rândul tău ce crezi.(nu sa dai copy/paste pe blogul tău). Cel puțin asta e părerea mea.
și ăsta e unul din motivele pentru care și-au format o părere deformata despre noi: nu numai ca le dam pace dar îi și susținem într-un fel sau altul(indiferența e și ea inclusa).
Salutare Națiune!
PS. - am văzut că te uiți după keyword ca sa știi cum ajunge lumea pe blogul tău. În cazul meu nu te mai chinui, iți spun eu: căutam Titan Quest.
Sănătate și numai bine.